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Puppies from our “A” litter are 5 months old now. 2 girls are into the hands of an experienced handler and trainer – Tomasz Wiński. Watching the pictures we can easy say that parents having high-quality innate work features, supported by solid training and confirmed by diplomas from hunting trials, guarantee the transfer of the best features to their offspring. More importantly, these features manifest themselves in a very early age, which sensationally bodes for the future. We are very pleased with the litter out of Dumka and Castor.

For autumn 2015 we plan next litter out of our Dumka.

All who are interrested in puppie after Dumka are welcome to contact US.


1 (2)1 (1)1 (3)wyr


Podzimní klubové zkoušky českých fousků, Opava, Czech Rep.:

Duma Ist level diploma, 5 place on 22 dogs and 272/300 points

We have puppies

Last night by the force of nature Duma gave birth 12 puppies!!! We have 7 girls and 5 boys.
Father of our newborns is very well known Kastor vom Jagdhundegestirn !!!
If You are interest in puppie from our litter A, feel free to contact us.

A litter gallery.

We will have puppies after great working dogs!

Around 11th of December 2014 we expect litter from very promising working cross!

More info…


VII National Hunting Trial for Pointing Dogs Radom/Sienno, Poland:

Duma –  239/264 points, Ist Level Diploma, 2/14 place!!!

This same Duma proved her multilateral skills.


Ist Mazovian Multilateral Hunting Trial for Pointing Dogs, OHZ Gradow 2014, Poland:
Duma – 195 points


XVII International Dog Show Krakow, Poland:

Duma – excelent, 1st place, CAC, CACIB, Best Female, Winner

Judge – Adam Stasiak


DUMA is officially free from Hip Dysplasia with great result:


We are very pleased!


National Field Trials Debin,Poland:

Duma – IInd Level Diploma, 3/10 points, place 2/13


VIII Swietokrzyskie Junior Hunting Trials Kazimierza Wielka – Slonowice, Poland:

Duma – Ist level Diploma, 100/100 points,  5/12 place

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